This is what Three Dog Down trusts to clean our down comforters and pillows safely. Non-toxic, and environmentally safe, this is an easy to use non-detergent cleaner.Safely revitalizes the insulating properties of down, making flat down come back to life!
Good clean fun!
We’ve always stocked the best stuff in the world for washing your Down Comforters,clothing, Down Wash. And we’re always here to answer questions about how.
1. Take your comforter out of it’s duvet cover. You are using a duvet cover on it every night, right?
2. Load into a large ( no agitator, front loading only)home washing machine or double size commercial machine. Pre-treat all stains with Down Wash. Use approximately 3 oz. of liquid Down Wash. Set the machine for gentle cycle, cold water 2nd rinse cycle, if available. Never, never use fabric softener or Woolite as they contain oil and will flatten your down out, as will the enzymes in detergent.
3. After washing lift the wet comforter gently so as not to rip any stitching.
4. Place in a double sized dryer on low heat. Throw in a pair of clean sneakers covered in socks to beat against the wet down clumps while drying or you will end up with a clumpy comforter or jacket. Remove every 30 minutes and place the wet areas next to the dryer’s walls, tumble another 30 minutes and check again. Did you bring a good book, because this process may take several hours to get the comforter fully dry. You really don’t want to put a damp comforter back into a duvet cover.